
Sunday, October 30, 2005


I really hope to write more personal thoughts here soon, but for now, here is an update of what the hurricane Katrina victims still need:

Coffee Pot/Maker
5 Dressers
Men’s Pants 32x32, casual
Outdoor plastic chairs
Rugs, small and big
2 Vacuums
2 Phones
2 End tables
Clothes hangers

If you have any of these items that you would like to donate, give me a call or e-mail:


Wednesday, October 12, 2005

What they really need. . .

Michelle, Tiffany, and Antonio

Gloriadeidra and Moniquequa

Don (on the right)

The hurricane Katrina evacuees are slowly adjusting to life in Bowling Green. They are situated in 3 apartments on the south side of BG. They've already received most of the furniture and clothing they need through people's generous donations. They have been coming to church and hanging out with us as much as possible. Two of the pictures above were taken at the BGSU homecoming football game where the families had a blast rooting for the Falcons! The kids are in school here, and the parents are applying for jobs.
The BG News recently posted an article about the situation: BG News Article.
The current and most urgent need is still money. Several churches in the area have committed to helping, but we have much more to raise in order to help pay for rent and utilities. Please pray about helping in this way. You can send it to Matt Hilderbran c/o h2o Church 1134 Sandpiper Ln. Bowling Green Ohio 43402 Checks should be made payable to: h2o Church.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Please Help

A few people have asked how they can help with the 10 evacuees our church recently adopted. Thank you for asking; help is greatly needed. The biggest need right now is finances. We've estimated the total financial need for the next 6 months to be around $20,000. Our church is really taking a step of faith in this project. In addition, the families are in need of food, furniture, clothing, and friendship.

In the next couple of days I will be posting the specifics of these needs including clothing sizes for everyone. In the meantime, check out our website to find out how to donate money:

Thanks for taking an interest.

Monday, October 03, 2005

More New Orleans info. . .

The Toledo Blade wrote an article about us today if you are interested in reading more about h2o's efforts to aide Katrina victims.

Toledo Blade Article

We could really use some help if you or anyone you know of would like to donate money, food, or furniture, please let me know. We estimate our total financial need to be around $20,000.