
Thursday, September 01, 2005

Bowling Green or bust. . .

Fall of 1995 - Arriving at Bowling Green State University

This week marks the beginning of my 10th year of living in Bowling Green! I still remember my parents dropping me off as a freshman in 1995. I remember my mom making my bed for me on the 9th floor of Offenhauer East dormitory (room 920). I remember that she left me with cookies to remind me of home; I remember her tears as she drove away -- leaving her son to begin life on his own. It fascinates me to think of how much I’ve changed since that day as a timid college freshman. So many significant events have happened in my life while living in this city: I received two college degrees (still working on a third); made life-long friendships; led a Bible study as a Sophomore that began a hunger within me for ministry; learned how to play guitar and sing -- eventually developing the skills to lead worship and administrate the music ministry of our church; became a high school teacher; followed God’s call to be a full-time missionary; met the woman of my dreams and have enjoyed a full year of marriage with her; help lead a church for young people -- seeing God reach a seemingly unreachable crowd.

This list of accomplishments is not meant to bring attention to myself. In fact, it should rather draw attention away from me and to the God who changes lives. I began college as a shy, socially awkward teenager. Slowly, I learned to step away from selfish comfort to allow God to mold me into a man that knows Him intimately and is useful to Him. I know that I still have a long way to go, but it’s exciting for me to reflect on the journey so far and all of the people who have been involved along the way!

It is this excitement that spurs me on to play a role in the lives of new college students here. This past weekend, 3500 freshmen moved into the residence halls. Each young person has a unique story of their own, yet many of them undoubtedly possess the same characteristics as I did -- anxiety, intimidation, and awkwardness. I have a heart for these people. Thanks to the men and women who pursued me and followed God’s leading to build into my life, I can now effectively lead young students closer to Jesus. What an exciting thought! This is truly my passion, and I feel so ready to minister this semester.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice prayer letter...


4:03 PM


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