jail time. . .

Lindsay and I spent some time in prison this weekend. We visited the historic Ohio State Reformatory in Mansfield. It's hard to believe that I lived in Mansfield for almost 20 years and never visited this fascinating place. We took the "Hollywood" tour with my parents in which the guide pointed out key rooms from the prison where the movie "The Shawshank Redemption" was filmed (one of my favorite movies of all time).
Over 110 years old, the reformatory is a complete mess on the inside. In the late 1800's, the architects and engineers decided to place drainage pipes throughout the inside of the building (to help preserve the castle theme on the outside). These pipes were made of iron and would often rust away. Without proper maintenance for almost 20 years, the inside of this building has been flooded and worn away by humidity and freezing. Dedicated volunteers saved the main part of the building from being torn down and are spending many hours trying to restore as much as possible. These same volunteers give the tours and recount many stories about inmates and prison life.
On our way home, Lindsay and I talked about what prison life must have been like. The cells were so small. Solitary confinement was equal to a month in complete darkness. Boredom and despair must have been common feelings in this place. What person deserves this type of treatment? Of course, I understand and appreciate the need for prisons in our judicial system, but I can't imagine spending just one day locked up. It makes sense for those notorious men who steal, rape, and murder without remorse. But, it seems so harsh for the man who makes one mistake. The volunteers told the story of a man who shot his father to stop him from beating his mother. This man spent 3 years in the Mansfield prison. In this case, the punishment seems so much more severe than the crime. Yet a less remorseful man would receive the same jail time. Justice is so hard to understand sometimes.
You know, I've never been in the old Reformatory either, even through all those years of living in north-central Ohio. I'll have to make it a point to stop by next time I'm in the area...
It's funny. Most people here in Amsterdam have no clue where Mansfield is, and a lot of them don't even know where Ohio is (about half-way between New York and Chicago, I tell them). But most young people here know about "Shawshank Prison." It's my hometown's one great claim to fame...
2:39 PM
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