
Monday, January 16, 2006


A wise friend shared with me last week (after scolding me for not posting more entries on my blog) that I need to get to the point in which writing on the web log serves me. That is to say it should not be work for me to write, but instead it should be an outlet - a form of expression, or even just fun. This will encourage me to do it more often.

I strongly agree with my friend, but confess that blogging has not yet become an outlet for me. There are times when I enjoy writing. I may observe something during the day and look forward to posting an entry on it that night. But, for now these times are sporadic. And because they don't happen very often, I may even choose to ignore my thoughts and observations rather than giving the extra effort to type them online.

I have noticed about myself that I require more outlets - not that I need more ways to express myself, but that I will tend to leave my thoughts and feelings unexpressed. I don't inherently feel a strong need to be heard. But, God is bringing to my attention lately that in order to be truly alive I must express my observations, my thoughts, my feelings, my ideas, and my opinions. Otherwise I remain only a spectator in life.

I highly doubt that blogging will be the main outlet of these things for me (at least I hope not!) but, for my friend's sake, I will do my best to make blogging one form of healthy expression.


Blogger Eric said...

Good to hear from you again, Jason. I like to read your blog, even if it's random musings about nothing.

2:06 AM


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